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10.2 Summary of tool-evaluation criteria

The following criteria should generally be used to assess software tools under consideration:

Software tools should handle processes in conformity with the practices discussed in the IT Infrastructure Library. A set of guidance (the Appraisal and Evaluation Library) is available for the guidance of organisations wishing to select Service Support and Service Delivery tools. The prime areas to consider are:

10.2.1 Service Management tools

Few enterprises have no Service Management tools, and many are considering replacing or upgrading those that are in use. The range and sophistication of tools for Service Management automation has grown rapidly in recent years.

Tools for the automation of core processes such as Incident logging and tracking have been supplemented by computer-integrated telephony, software capable of handling complex and multiple Service Level Agreements (with separate targets and business clocks) and remote support technology. Other tools include:

Although some of the tools are not yet commonly used, there are few areas of Service Management that cannot be helped by automation. Some areas of Service Management are too resource intensive to be performed effectively without automation. Each tool for the automation of Service Management has advantages and disadvantages, but automation is still recognised as vital.

It is necessary to ensure that the combination of technology, processes and people are integrated and meet the needs of the Customers. Automation should be used to enhance Service Management, not replace it.

Automation is increasingly being treated as part of workflow management, linking each task in the life-cycle, from a new service being planned through to disposal. The technology should be used to complement and enhance service delivery, not replace it.

Automation that provides support for distributed computing has revolutionised the ability of an enterprise to diagnose Problems remotely, and in many cases also to fix them remotely (and therefore faster). Remote support technology has also made it possible for an enterprise to make changes by downloading the new versions of software and to monitor the capacity of the infrastructure, identifying capacity problems before they become serious.

Automation has enabled easier contingency planning, with work being switched in the event of a local overload or a serious problem that has taken the service out from a specific area.

Some final considerations:

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