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The first question you should ask yourself on this topic is 'Do I really need software tools' If you do, assess the need formally with a well-researched selection process.

If you look at the glossy brochures and listen to the sales talk, Service Management tools are indispensable. However, good people, good process descriptions, and good procedures and working instructions are the basis for successful Service Management. The need for, and the sophistication of, the tools required will depend on the business need for IT services and, to some extent, the size of the organisation.

In a very small organisation a simple in-house developed database system may be sufficient for logging and controlling Incidents. However, in very large organisation, a very sophisticated distributed integrated Service Management toolset may be required, linking all the processes with event-management systems. While tools can be an important asset in today's IT-dependent organisations, they are a means, not an end in themselves. When you are implementing Service Management processes, looking at the way your processes work and your need for management information should always be the starting point. This will provide information needed to define the specifications for a tool best suited to assist you.

Why the need? Here are some reasons:

Automated tools allow:

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