8.8 Software tools
For all but the smallest of organisations, a Configuration
Management-based tool, capable of storing all relevant configuration items
(CIs), and the
important relationships between them, should be used. Such a tool should have
the following facilities:
- RFCs and PRs stored upon the same database, in an easily accessible format
- the ability to identify the relationship between RFCs, PRs and CIs
- the capability to link RFCs to projects
- the means to identify easily the other CIs that will be impacted whenever a Change to any specific CI is proposed
- automatic production of requests for impact and resources assessment to the 'owners' of the impacted CIs
- the ability for all authorised personnel to submit RFCs from their own terminal or location
- the ability to 'progress' requests through the appropriate stages of authorisation and implementation and to maintain clear records of this progress
- the ability to allow Change Management staff, Change builders, testers,
etc to add text to Change
- clear definition of back-out procedures should a Change cause problems
- automatic warnings of any RFCs that exceed pre-specified time periods during any stage
- automatic prompting to carry out reviews of implemented Changes
- automatic generation of management and trend information relating to Changes
- the ability to build Changes
- automatic production of FSCs
- a process/workflow feature.
A range of tools is available that to varying degrees integrate all five Service Support processes. An integrated toolset is the recommended option but free standing PC-based database and spreadsheet packages can also be used to log Changes in many environments.