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Annex 7C: Suggested CI attributes

The following attributes are examples that could be used in the CMDB. Note that hardware CI types will have different attributes from software CI types.

Attribute Description

CI NameThe unique name by which this type of CI is known.

Copy or Serial NumberThe number that uniquely identifies the particular instances of this CI - for example, for software the copy number, for hardware the serial number.

CategoryClassification of a CI (e.g. hardware, software, documentation etc).

TypeDescription of CI type, amplifying 'category' information (e.g. hardware configuration, software package, hardware device or program module).

Model Number (hardware)Model of CI (corresponding, for example, to supplier's model number e.g. Dell model xxx, PC/aa model yyy).

Warranty expiry dateDate when the supplier's warranty expires for the CI.

Version NumberThe version number of the CI.

LocationThe location of the CI, e.g. the library or media where the software CIs reside, the site/room where a service is located.

Owner ResponsibleThe name and/or designation of the owner responsible for the CI.

Responsibility DateDate the above owner became responsible for the CI.

Source/supplierThe source of the CI, e.g. developed in-house, bought in from company xxxxx etc.

LicenceLicence number or reference to licence agreement.

Supply DateDate when the CI was supplied to the organisation.

Accepted DateDate when the CI was accepted by the organisation as satisfactorily tested.

Status (current)The current status of the CI; e.g. under 'test', 'live', 'archived'.

Status (scheduled)The next scheduled status of the CI (with the date or indication of the event that will trigger the status change).

Parent CI(s) relationshipsThe unique CI identifier(s) - name/copy/number/model/number/ of the 'parent(s)' of this CI.

Child CI(s) relationshipsThe unique CI identifier(s) of all 'children' of this CI.

RelationshipsThe relationship of the CI with all CIs other than 'parent' and 'child' (e.g. this CI 'uses' another CI, this CI 'is connected to' another CI, this CI is 'resident on' another CI, this CI 'can access' another CI).

RFC NumbersThe identification number of all RFCs affecting this CI.

Change NumbersThe identification number of all Change records affecting this CI.

Problem NumbersThe identification number of all Problem records affecting this CI.

Incident NumbersThe identification number of all Incident records affecting this CI.

CommentA comment field to be used for textual narrative; for example, to provide a description of how this version of the CI is different from the previous version.

For RFCs, Change records, package Release records, etc, the names, copy numbers, model numbers and version numbers of CIs affected by the Change, and how they are affected, should be recorded in the CMDB. A reversion path, and the consequences of reversion, should also be recorded.

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